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aRIA Currency discord server

20 декабря 2022 56 Loja

[b]aRIA Currency[/b] - next generation Proof of Stake consensus, a Super Fast peer 2 peer Electronic Cash System with a very low transaction fee. Be your own bank with full control of your digital assets. Or just hold for passive income.

On our server you can study our project in more detail, be the first to know the news of the project and its promotions, and we also have:

[b]BOUNTY[/b] program - complete simple tasks, support the project, get rewarded!;
[b]quiz[/b] - answer simple questions about the project and get prizes;
[b]ARIUM[/b] game - play the game, earn game currency and exchange for real ARIA coins;
[b]aRIA COMMUNITY COLLECTIONS[/b] - become an investor and get any card from the collection for free.

[b][url=https://discord.gg/GtpaREquVv]Join us[/url][/b], there is a lot of interesting things ahead

[b][i]Did you miss 2007 with bitcoin? Don't miss your chance with aRIA today![/i][/b]

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