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Turkesterone has gained a apportionment of attention amongst the bodybuilding community

8 декабря 2022 52 Lusaka

Turkesterone has gained a lot of attention amongst the bodybuilding community, with users reporting accelerated muscle growth without any side effects. However, before taking this supplement you may want to know more information about what it is, what it actually does, how to run it, and understand the safety and legalities of this type of supplement. This article provides a complete Turkesterone user guide.

Table Of Contents

Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid, which is a hormonal steroid that is found in plants. Ecdysteroids can be compared to testosterone, due to their ability to induce growth. However, unlike testosterone, ecdysteroids do not bind to androgen receptors, and therefore do not cause any steroidal side effects (1), such as gynecomastia and hair loss. Although stimulating different anabolic pathways to androgenic steroids, turkesterone seems to be the most anabolic (muscle building) out of all the ecdysteroids (2, 3).

Turkesterone is derived from the Ajuga Turkestanica plant, which is native to the central Asian countries of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Is turkesterone an adaptogen?
Turkesterone and other phytoecdysteroids are considered to be adaptogens (4).
The Ajuga Turkestanica plant, where turkesterone is derived from, is considered to be adaptogenic as it has been linked with a range of therapeutic uses including heart protection and maintaining aged skeletal muscle (5, 6).

Benefits of Turkesterone
Turkesterone Benefits

The major advantage of Turkesterone supplements is that they are much safer than anabolic steroids. Although it is suggested that they behave in a similar way, unlike anabolic steroids, turkesterone does not bind to androgen receptors.

Starts Working Quickly
When you start supplementing something, you want to recognise its effects quickly or you’ll likely stop using it. According to survey data from our Turkesterone Experience Review, 68% of users reported feeling the benefits of Turkesterone within the first 4 weeks. This demonstrates that you will most likely experience increases in strength and performance in the first few weeks of supplementation.

Our survey found that a further 19% of people taking turkesterone reported feeling the effects of turkesterone between weeks 5 and 8 [url=https://www.amazon.com/Turkesterone-Building-Supplement-Strength-Turkestanica/dp/B0B75CKYSS]https://www.amazon.com/Turkesterone-Building-Supplement-Strength-Turkestanica/dp/B0B75CKYSS[/url]

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