The graphic novels loved by children and adults alike
May 9th, 2024, 3:38 am
Belzagor by Robert Silverberg, Philippe Thirault, Bruno Lecigne, Sam Timel, Laura Zuccheri and Adrien Villesange
Requirements: .CBR/.CBZ reader, 289MB
Overview: Ex-lieutenant Eddie Gundersen returns to Belzagor, where he left behind his youthful illusions, the love of his life and a shameful history as a brutal colonialist. Today, the planet has been returned to its two native, intelligent species: the Nildorors and the Sulidorors. Acting as a guide for a scientific expedition deep within native territory, Gundersen confronts his inner demons and settles old scores with a planet that hasn't yet revealed all its secrets to him.
Genre: Comics


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May 9th, 2024, 3:38 am

I was in the beginning and shall be forever. The first and the last. The world come full circle. I am time, the destroyer. I was the wind and the stars before this. Before planets. Before heaven and hell. And when all is done, I will be wind again, to blow this world as dust back into endless space.