Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
May 19th, 2024, 11:41 am
A Journey for Bonnie (The Reluctant Wagon Train Bride #20) by Susan Horsnell
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 567 KB
Overview: Bonnie knew her betrothal wasn’t meant to be, but she was a woman who had given her word, and it was far too late to back out with the nuptials only weeks away.

Or was it?

Encouraged by her family to do the best thing for both her and her future husband, Bonnie ventures to the city to break the news. A chance encounter proves her decision was right and she finds herself a free woman.

When Bonnie’s father is offered a position too good to refuse, Bonnie’s life is turned upside down and she has a decision to make. One of the most difficult she has ever made…

She already feels the loss of her best friend deeply, will she take a chance on marriage to Nate, a man she secretly loves and who has the power to shatter her heart?

Or will she risk being destroyed by the loss of her family?

Bonnie risks losing everything by agreeing to marry and journey the Oregon Trail…including her life. But by being brave, and trusting in the Lord, will she eventually find the happiness she didn’t know was possible?
Genre: Fiction > Romance Western


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May 19th, 2024, 11:41 am
