Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Mar 15th, 2023, 7:07 pm
MacKenzies & McBrides series (#4, 4.5, 5, 5.5 & 6) by Jennifer Ashley
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.80mb
Overview: Jennifer Ashley is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of numerous romantic fiction novels, including the Mackenzies series and the Shifters Unbound series. Her many awards include the Golden Quill, the RITA Award, and the Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award. Jennifer lives in the Southwest.
Genre: Fiction > Romance | Historical


#4. The Duke's Perfect Wife
Lady Eleanor Ramsay is the only one who knows the truth about Hart Mackenzie. Once his fiancee, she is the sole woman to whom he could ever pour out his heart.
Hart has it all--a dukedom, wealth, power, influence, whatever he desires. Every woman wants him--his seductive skills are legendary. But Hart has sacrificed much to keep his brothers safe, first from their brutal father, and then from the world. He's also suffered loss--his wife, his infant son, and the woman he loved with all his heart though he realized it too late.
Now, Eleanor has reappeared on Hart's doorstep, with scandalous nude photographs of Hart taken long ago. Intrigued by the challenge in her blue eyes--and aroused by her charming, no-nonsense determination--Hart wonders if his young love has come to ruin him . . . or save him.

#4,5. A Mackenzie Family Christmas: The Perfect Gift: Revisit the Mackenzies in this heartwarming Christmas tale of the New York Times bestselling Mackenzies series.
The Mackenzies gather for a clan Christmas and Hogmanay in Scotland. In the chaos of preparations for the celebration--the first of Hart and Eleanor's married life--one of Ian's Ming bowls gets broken, and the family scrambles to save the day. Daniel busily runs a betting ring for everything from the hour Eleanor's baby will arrive, to whether Mac's former-pugilist valet can win a boxing match. Ian begins a new obsession, and Beth fears that the loss of one of his precious bowls has made him withdraw once more into his private world.

#5. The Seduction of Elliot McBride: ROPERLY IMPROPER…AND DARING TO LOVE…
Juliana St. John was raised to be very proper. After a long engagement, her wedding day dawns—only for Juliana to find herself jilted at the altar.
Fleeing the mocking crowd, she stumbles upon Elliot McBride, the tall, passionate Scot who was her first love. His teasing manner gives her an idea, and she asks Elliot to save her from an uncertain future—by marrying her…
After escaping brutal imprisonment, Elliot has returned to Scotland a vastly wealthy yet tormented man. Now Juliana has her hands full restoring his half-ruined manor in the Scottish Highlands and trying to repair the broken heart of the man some call irredeemably mad. Though beautiful and spirited, Juliana wonders if that will be enough to win a second chance at love.

To redeem her family's disgraced name, Lady Louisa Scranton has decided to acquire a proper husband. He needs to be a man of fortune and highly respectable in order to restore both her family's lost wealth and reputation. She enters the Marriage Mart with all flags flying, determined to find the right bachelor.
But Louisa's hopes are dashed when the Bishop of Hargate drops dead at her feet--and she is shockingly accused of murder! Soon, Louisa's so-called friends begin shunning her, because the company of a suspected killer is never desirable in polite society.
The problem comes to the ears of Detective Inspector Lloyd Fellows, by-blow of the decadent Scottish Mackenzie family and an inspector for Scotland Yard. He has shared two passionate kisses with Lady Louisa-and vows to clear her name. For not only does he know she's innocent, he recognizes he's falling for the lovely lady.
Fellows is Louisa's only hope of restoring her family's honor--and it is he alone who intrigues Louisa in a way that may be even more scandalous than murder...

#6. The Wicked Deeds Of Daniel Mackenzie: SECOND SIGHT AND SEDUCTION…
Daniel Mackenzie lives up to the reputation of the scandalous Mackenzie family—he has wealth, looks, and talent, and women love him. When he meets Violet Bastien—one of the most famous spiritual mediums in England—he immediately knows two things: that Miss Bastien is a fraud, and that he’s wildly attracted to her.
Violet knows she can’t really contact the other side, but she’s excellent at reading people. She discerns quickly that Daniel is intelligent and dangerous to her reputation, but she also finds him generous, handsome, and outrageously wicked. But spectres from Violet’s past threaten to destroy her, and she flees England, adopting yet another identity.
Daniel is determined to find the elusive Violet and pursue the passion he feels for her. And though Violet knows that her scandalous past will keep her from proper marriage, her attraction to Daniel is irresistible. It’s not until Daniel is the only one she can turn to that he proves he believes in something more than cold facts. He believes in love.

Download Instructions:
Original (4.5, 5, 5.5, 6):

New (#4):

Books #1-3: Here
Books #6.5-8.5 & 11.6: Here
Book #9: Here
Books #10-12: Here
Book #11.5: Here

Trouble downloading? Read This.
Mar 15th, 2023, 7:07 pm

✨️ Oooh, riiight. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen
specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison? I got you covered.

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A Mackenzie Family Christmas: The Perfect Gift (MacKenzies & McBrides #4.5)
The Seduction of Elliot McBride (MacKenzies & McBrides #5)
The Untamed Mackenzie (MacKenzies & McBrides #5.5)
Jun 7th, 2023, 7:31 pm

✨️ Oooh, riiight. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen
specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison? I got you covered.

May 19th, 2024, 11:38 am
#4. The Duke's Perfect Wife
May 19th, 2024, 11:38 am

✨️ Oooh, riiight. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen
specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison? I got you covered.
