Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Mar 14th, 2023, 11:38 pm
World Clock Journals (#1-3) by Angela Roquet
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.21mb
Overview: USA Today bestselling author Angela Roquet is a great big weirdo. She lives in Missouri with her husband and son in a house stuffed with books, toys, skulls, owls, and glitter-speckled craft supplies. Angela is a member of SFWA, as well as the Four Horsemen of the Bookocalypse, her epic book critique group, where she's known as Death. When not swearing at the keyboard, she enjoys boating with her family at Lake of the Ozarks and reading books that raise eyebrows.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Steampunk, Dystopian


#1. Cursed Cogs
Broken hearts and broken parts.
That's all anyone is left with after Ezra Huxley's time machine shatters reality in 1916, Boston. The mechanical abomination plagues the city with an hourly time warp signaled by the bells of the new Custom House Tower Clock. Isla Huxley's wedding ended in disaster after the Break, and now her husband is in a coma. She's spent the last three months in the Post Boston Infirmary, waiting for her rich uncle to fix her life yet again. But when he instead sends her out into Late Boston to retrieve her father's journal in hopes of fixing the time machine, she comes face to face with Dorian Verne, the man she once dreamed of having a future with before her uncle shipped her off to school in Europe.
Dorian lives a humble life as a clocksmith, but his skills are put to the test when the timeline-altered citizens of Late Boston come to him for mechanical remedies to survive the tolling of the bells from the cursed world clock. But Dorian was also Ezra's apprentice, and when the inventor disappears, he vows to build a new time machine and set things right. Not just for those living on clockwork and borrowed time, but for Isla, the one who got away.

#2. Gear Hearts
Time can’t heal these wounds.
At least, not with a broken time machine ripping them open again and again, every hour on the hour.
Pearl Shelley thought that leaving the Clockwork Apothecary to help Dr. McCaffrey at the Post Boston Infirmary would take her mind off Dorian and the future she can never have with him. But when she discovers a sinister plot to salvage the malfunctioning time machine, Pearl knows she must brave the heartache of Late Boston once again. Though she will need help...
The last thing Captain Leopold Le Guin remembers is the pomp and circumstance leading up to his wedding—right before the earth split open and the world went black. After waking to discover that he’s been in a coma for the past three months and everyone in the city is in mortal peril—including his new wife—he accepts Miss Shelley’s plea for assistance and escapes the infirmary, oblivious to the new and terrible world of Late Boston waiting for him.

#3. Time Peace
Late Boston is out of time.
Winifred McCaffrey sold her soul when she agreed to work for the wealthy Abraham Orwell. As the head of New England’s most progressive institute, Orwell has the funding to back his every vision, including visions that wander deep into the gray areas of legality and morality. Winifred has learned to look the other way. Without Orwell’s backing, she’d never have been recognized as the top medical engineer of her time.
When Ezra Huxley’s famed time machine breaks reality, Orwell commissions Winifred to be his chief advisor at the Post Boston Infirmary. The position would be a dream come true if not for the horrific circumstances…and the fact that Winifred knows Orwell doesn’t do anything out of the kindness of his dark, twisted heart. With hands as dirty as hers, Winifred fears she won’t have what it takes to thwart Orwell’s most diabolical vision yet. At least, not on her own.

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Mar 14th, 2023, 11:38 pm

✨️ Oooh, riiight. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen
specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison? I got you covered.

May 18th, 2024, 6:14 pm
#1. Cursed Cogs
#2. Gear Hearts
May 18th, 2024, 6:14 pm

✨️ Oooh, riiight. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen
specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison? I got you covered.
