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May 17th, 2024, 9:48 am
Prose Edda (01-03) by Steven Grier Williams
Requirements: ePUB reader, 3.1mb
Overview: Steven Williams is an avid traveler, amateur cook, and fantasy author. He serves on the Harrisburg School Board and is the Associate Director for the Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool/Youth Development Network. He is a graduate of Northwestern University. Skadi is his debut novel.
Genre: Historical Fantasy


01 Skadi
There is no end in sight.
In Midgard, towns are meant to be sanctuaries for humans, and the outskirts are roaming grounds for powerful Norse creatures. But in Fensalir, a centuries-old jötunn has been killing children—a parade of death that has lasted for years.
That is—until a witch named Frija steps forward. She knows even with seidr magic, she cannot do it alone, so she recruits a newcomer named Skadi Hervor to go on a quest for the power of the World Tree—that which connects the nine realms. Though Skadi is reluctant at first, wishing only to protect her son from the violence of Midgard, she relents and ventures into the world that exists between towns.
Skadi is a skilled warrior, but to be successful, she must overcome beasts large and small; must travel the length of the realms; must learn to care for people beyond herself; and most importantly, must mend her tattered relationship with her young son Bjorn, along for the ride.

02 Thyra
Thrice burned. Thrice reborn.
Long ago, a creature imbued with great power committed genocide against the unsuspecting dark elf families of Svartalfheim.
Thousands were killed. Few survived. One family escaped to Midgard.
But the realm of humans is an unkind place for dark elves. And the creature that attacked Svartalfheim is still out there.
Hundreds of years after the genocide, the young dark elf Thyra lives with her adopted human father on an island in Midgard. But after an encounter with three malevolent Valkyries seeking Thyra’s Bifrost key, left to her by her blood parents, Thyra is forced to embark on a journey to save Svartalfheim and confront her past, present, and future.
Thyra’s strange ancestry is at the root of her problems, but it could also be her salvation. She is intelligent, determined, and gifted with powers unique to her bloodline. To save her people, she will have to do that which is most difficult—figure out who she is and what she stands for while facing some of the most powerful adversaries in all the realms.

03 Skadi and the Geats
An Earl with godly ambitions. A Viking warrior. A scheme, decades in the making.
The heart of the Ironwood, a mysterious forest, has been pillaged and replaced with a mine. Hrothgar, the Earl of Lejre has amassed so much power in his great hall that he’s now staked his claim as ruler of Midgard. But only under the use of violence.
Children have been separated from their parents. Entire communities have been destroyed. And hopelessness grips the weak and strong alike.
But there are still those willing to fight for their home.
Skadi, a Viking Warrior, has recently defeated a jötunn and now joins the wise, bodiless Mimir in search of his body. Skadi’s victory has made her a legendary warrior, but this fame has come with a price: the attention of powerful and cunning adversaries.
A message from the Earl draws Skadi into a decades-long conspiracy involving the Aesir gods. She is a fast, strong, and skilled warrior with years of combat experience, but if she has any hope of taking down the Earl and his followers, she’s going to have to accept that victory could depend on other people.

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May 17th, 2024, 9:48 am