Mainstream fiction, from all-time classics to contemporary novels
Nov 8th, 2020, 3:30 pm
The Last of the Romans Series by William Havelock (1, 4-5)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader,6 mb
Overview: William Havelock is a novelist seeking to bring these oft-neglected historical figures to the modern page. His debut novel, The Last Dying Light, tells of Belisarius - a figure who defied all odds in service of his Emperor, even at the cost of his freedom and life. The Last Dying Light is the first of a series known as 'The Last of the Romans', which will unveil all the unbelievably true tales from looming figures such as Theodora, Justinian, and Belisarius himself.
Genre: General Fiction


1. The Last Dying Light - Rome has fallen into darkness.
Its legacy remains alive in Constantinople, whose leaders struggle to retain control of a decaying land. Yet famine, war, and an encroaching night leave the Eastern Empire trending towards ruin.
Faint hope arises as a new dynasty ascends to the throne of Caesar. Bearing witness to such events is Varus, a young Herulian slave to the aging yet powerful Justin, who unveils a bold plan held by two generations of Romans – to retake the West and reclaim their homeland.
Following Justin’s dream, Varus enlists with the Roman Army and discovers the carnage of 6th Century warfare. As a mysterious horde of black-shielded invaders devastates the Empire’s northern provinces, Varus’ unit is called upon to defend under the leadership of Belisarius, one of Justin’s most promising commanders.
As Varus prepares for the sacrifices to come, however, he begins to question Justin’s secrets, seeking answers regarding his true identity and place as a pivotal figure in the Empire’s survival.

4. The Pillars of Herakles - There will never be an end to war.
Fresh off his victory at Tricamarum, Belisarius encounters a task even more daunting than conquest: governing a land riven by war, famine, and blood feuds. All of which must be settled by an understrength army exhausted from battle.
Yet, to safeguard the fledgling Imperial government in Carthage, the liberation of the African coastline must continue. While Belisarius dispatches peacekeepers throughout the region, the distant fortress of Septem stands as the key to security for the reclaimed Roman province. Far to the west, Septem marks the mythical coastal terminus of the known world, and a one-time respite for the immortal Herakles.
Varus, dispatched to claim Septem for Belisarius, finds a city in turmoil. Battle-hardened enemies stalk the fabled Pillars, resentful of a resurgent Roman Empire and eager to claim Vandal spoils. Thrust into command far from support, Varus must learn to lead a motley collection of warriors apt to fight each other as they are this new adversary.
Meanwhile, Carthage festers with spies and turncoats. And even as the people of Constantinople yearn to welcome their victorious conqueror home in glorious triumph, danger lurks in a jealous Imperial Palace, mistrustful of the Empire’s most beloved general in a century.

5. The Eternal City - War is evil. It spares nothing. And, inevitably, it is the innocent who suffer.
Returning victorious from Carthage, Belisarius and Varus encounter Constantinople riven by religious strife, and slavering for grander spoils than those seized from the Vandal Kingdom. An opportunity arises upon the death of the Ostrogothic Queen Amalasuntha – a friend of Justinian, murdered in mysterious circumstances. Incensed, Justinian dispatches Belisarius and Varus, charged with leading a few thousand hardened veterans against the collective might of the Ostrogoths.
To the men of the Empire, Italy is shrouded in mystery, laced with tragic grandeur. To seize Rome again after centuries of isolation will fulfill a generations-old dream - if they can survive long enough.
For it is not only innumerable Gothic spears that the Imperial expedition must face, but zealotry, betrayal, and even the heavens themselves. As famine stalks the land and pestilence ravages their camps, some amongst the Imperial devout whisper of the end of days. Those whispers swell as a veil of darkness cloaks the skies, diminishing the light of the life-giving Sun into a cold, unrecognizable orb.
Bloodied, bereft of supplies, and stymied of reinforcements, Belisarius and Varus struggle to keep order amidst growing unrest. Surrounded and besieged, the beleaguered Imperial warriors race to pacify a blighted land, finding that there are far worse fates than death by an enemy sword.
The great prize beckons. Justinian shall make the Eternal City Roman once more, or doom millions in the attempt. Rome awaits, in all of its splendor.

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Nov 8th, 2020, 3:30 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on May 15th, 2024, 3:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
May 15th, 2023, 5:42 pm
4. The Pillars of Herakles
May 15th, 2023, 5:42 pm