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Windows server 2008 r2 enterprise tutorial pdf free.Microsoft Windows

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Windows server 2008 r2 enterprise tutorial pdf free


WMI is the Microsoft base technology for monitoring and managing Windows-based systems. PRTG uses it to access data of various Windows configuration parameters and status values.

Note that sensors that use the WMI protocol generally have a high impact on system performance. In addition to strict WMI sensors, there are sensors that can use performance counters to monitor Windows systems. However, monitoring via WMI is not always trivial and can cause issues. What can I do? The same information is often available using any of these protocols. How WMI Works. WMI allows access to the data of many Windows configuration parameters, as well as system status values.

Access can be local or remote via a network connection. WoW64 Windows bit on Windows bit must be installed on target systems that run Windows Server This allows bit applications to be run on bit systems. This is necessary because the PRTG probe service only runs with bit support. Without it, WMI sensors do not work. You can enter these credentials in the settings of the parent device or group, or in the root group.

The sensor then inherits these settings. Sensors using the WMI protocol generally have a high impact on the system performance. Try to stay below WMI sensors per probe. Above this number, consider using remote probes for load balancing. Monitoring Windows Systems: Performance Counters. If you choose the hybrid approach, these sensors first try to query data via Windows performance counters using the Remote Registry service.

These Windows sensors use WMI as a fallback if performance counters are not available or cannot be read out. When running in fallback mode, PRTG tries to connect to performance counters again after 24 hours.

You can identify these hybrid sensors by looking at their categories, for example, in the Add Sensor dialog. Search directly for "windows" and select "Performance Counters" as Technology Used. Among them are various sensors with "Windows" in the name, as well as some Hyper-V sensors. You should be aware that the performance of WMI-based monitoring is drastically limited when the monitoring station or the monitored client runs on Windows Server R1.

These are not limitations of PRTG. They arise from the WMI functionality built into the Windows operating systems mentioned. These limitations also apply to Windows Vista, which is no longer officially supported. You can still monitor machines that run Windows Vista, but the PRTG core server and probes are no longer supported on this operating system. If you want to use WMI for network monitoring of more than 20 or 30 systems, consider the following rules:.

Knowledge Base. My WMI sensors don't work. Why do I receive the sensor error message 'Connection could not be established code: PE '?

WMI Tester. Sensor Technologies. Previous Next. Actual performance can be significantly lower depending on the network topology and the WMI health of the target systems. We have seen configurations that could not go beyond sensors and even less. System performance CPU, memory, etc. If you want to use WMI for network monitoring of more than 20 or 30 systems, consider the following rules: Do not use Windows R1 as monitoring stations for WMI-based network monitoring.

Consider setting up remote probes for the WMI monitoring. You still get far better WMI monitoring performance with a remote probe on a virtual machine VM running Windows Server R2 than on any physical system running Windows Consider switching to SNMP-based monitoring for large networks.



(PDF) Windows Server R2 e-book | carlos amador -


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